Here at Newport Physio and Health the awesome Josh Kilpatrick has been with us since the very beginning. In this email we want to let you know more about Josh the person. So read on…

Why did you choose physio?

I have a background in football (‘soccer’ for many Australians) – 19 years and counting. You could imagine that I have had my fair share of injuries. I have also had some exposure to a different area of physiotherapy that some may not be familiar with – neurological and vestibular physiotherapy. A relative of mine has gone through this particular rehabilitation, which sparked my interest in vestibular physiotherapy.

What do you love about working at Newport Physio and Health?

What I enjoy the most is the community up on the Peninsula. I have been very fortunate to work within such an awesome team (I try not to tell them this to avoid it going to their heads). Also, the water view. It is a shame that I don’t have a view from my room!

Tell us about a couple of your hobbies?

I am an active person, so many of my hobbies revolve around physical activity. I enjoy football, Fitstop, netball, and hiking. I do spend a large portion of my free time socializing – you can catch me with friends having a beverage. I’m also quite fond of vegging out on the couch and binging a series. I’m currently in the middle of ‘The Witcher,’ and I am thinking about starting ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’ next.

What is a funny story that not many people would know about you?

Well, here’s a story from my recent travels. While traveling throughout Europe last year, I managed to get a friend and myself lost in Budapest during a night out. I was trying to lead us back to our room, but the map kept recalculating, and we were getting further and further away. I distinctly remember being insistent that the maps were leading us in the wrong direction. The moral of this story is not to trust me with directions, especially after a few beverages.